It looks like a cake... it could be a cake... it's gelato! Yum.
I took a (mostly) vacation last week, and ate my way through Seattle. Oh yes, it was a fine time! If you're ever out that way, please do the Savor Seattle food tour. It ends at a gelato place called Gelatiamo, which I think was Paul's favorite part of the tour. That or Serious Pie, anyway.
Other good vacation stuff included the Glass Art Museum (actually in Tacoma), the Seattle Art Museum, Pike Place Market, a ferry ride from Bremerton to Seattle, meeting up with friends (Hi Steve, Brian, and Maki!), and the most wonderful hospitality of Franz and Imelda. They actually put up with us for an entire week.
Also, a good job by Diana, Bryan, and Greg (and their other fine volunteers) for running their kotei quite smoothly. Paul (Prof) sure got a lot of love at the tournament!
So, back to cakes... new stuff in the oven already...
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